What is Rhodiola Rosea Extract and How it Impact Your Health?


Rhodiola Rosea is a plant that grows in the cold climate of the mountainous regions of Asia and Europe.

The extract of the plant is generally consider beneficial for human health and is classified as a medication. Apart from this, Rosea is characterized by green leaves with its top as yellow.

Concerning the components present in the Rhodiola Rosea, Salidrosides and Rosavins are two vital nutritional compounds actively existing in the plant and provisioning numerous sources for personal well-being.


Salidrosides are glucosides that are meant to provide antioxidant and antidepressant properties; glucosides are compounds produce by glucose.

Salidrosides are classified as “Phenolic Compounds”. They are define as compounds intended to support the development of the plant, which in turn provides nutritional value to the consumers.

Salidroside decreases anxiety:

Anxiety refers to the feeling of personal uncomfortably, so in the form of increased nervousness, sweating, fear, tremble, rapid heart functioning, and last but not the least, a surge in breathing levels. How can anxiety affect your lives?

Anxiety can negatively impact your daily life, both physically and mentally.

Physically in the sense that you would have disruptions in eating habits and mentally in the way that you are absorb by bad thoughts and your brain does not allow you to give productivity.

What can Rhodiola Rosea do for you?

The plant contains a high volume of vitamins, specifically Vitamin B-3 and B-9 for mood stabilization and alleviating depression.

The antioxidant property adds positivity to the mindset, and the anti-depressant property of the Rhodiola Rosea increases the number of neurotransmitters, chemicals that develop happiness and increase focus.


Rosavin is similar to salidroside; and it is a chemical compound that is known for decreasing depression levels and adding to the individual’s energy levels.

Rosavin is compose of antioxidant and antidepressant properties, signalling the well-being of an individual.

(a) Increases Memory:

Have you ever wondered why you cannot recall memories with ease? What is the main factor behind this forgettable case?

Over time, the neurons present in the brain can be damage due to several factors, two of which are high-pressure bearing and confusion in a specific thing.

The antioxidant property helps to disinfect damaged cells, supports the growth of new cells, and improve the brain system.

This in turn leads to an increase in memory, productivity, concentration, and so more effort than ever put in by a male or female.

(b) Improves mood:

So Mood, in medical terminologies, refers to the state of mind that exists for a short term. It also means your reaction to an array of different situations.

Vitamin B, along with Vitamin D leads to a boost in mood and develops happiness.

Other than that, the antidepressant characteristic creates less room for depression, so leading to inner happiness and a positive attitude.

A study reported that patients taking 340mg dose of the Rosea per day resulted in the improvement of mood, and lasting for nearly a month and fifteen days.


So It would be advisable to take the dosage of Rhodiola Rosea per day, ranging from 150mg-340mg. Excessive intake could negatively impact your health. However, if you are still not sure about the remedy, you can always consult a healthcare specialist.