

Is Dihydromyricetin helpful for hangover?

Yes, Dihydromyricetin is helpful for hangover. DHM is a strong flavonoid also call as dihydromyricetin or ampelopsin. It has been observe to speed up the body’s process of eliminating acetaldehyde, a harmful byproduct of alcohol metabolism. DHM is obtain from the bark of the Holvenia Dulcis tree, while it is most frequently extract from Vine Tea. Finally, and perhaps most crucially, dihydromyricetin has a long history of use as a headache and hangover remedy.


Clinically, the Hovenia dosage for hangovers ranges from 100 to 650 mg.


When taken before drinking, dihydromyricetin, or DHM, seems to reduce blood alcohol levels. This is most effective when taken 30 minutes before drinking, while it does act in a limited way when given during or right after alcohol consumption.


Overall, our results support the use of DHM as a dietary supplement to lessen the damage that EtOH causes to the liver by altering lipid metabolism, improving EtOH metabolism, and reducing inflammatory responses to improve liver health.


Following DHM therapy, ATP and gephyrin expression, GABAergic transmission, synaptic function, and anxiety-like behaviour were all improved.


Consuming bland food, complex-carbohydrate items like toast or crackers. Both nausea and low blood sugar will become better.


Due to its capacity to lower blood alcohol levels and anticipated hepatoprotective qualities, DHM is advertise as a supplement and offered as a hangover cure.


Dehydration, fatigue, glucose imbalances, toxic contaminants present in some alcoholic beverages (i.e. congeners), as well as the toxic byproduct of alcohol metabolism, acetaldehyde, are among the many causes of the unpleasant symptoms associate with a hangover. Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase are two enzymes that aid in the breakdown of alcohol (ethanol) and acetaldehyde (‘ethanal’) (ALDH).

Dihydromyricetin, one of the key components in Survivor, improve the activity of the aforementioned enzymes, which help you metabolise alcohol more quickly, according to several studies (Chen et al., 2006).


Given the complexity of a “hangover,” DHM is not a complete panacea. There are numerous aspects that go into a “hangover” that DHM administration would not change.

The most important one is sleep, including quality of sleep, sleep displacement (getting to bed at 4 AM after a party is typically not usual for the body because your circadian clock is thrown out of whack), and lack of sleep.

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Dihydromyricetin-5 Benefits You May Not Have Known

Dihydromyricetin belongs to the family of flavonoid that is associated with Ampelopsis grossedentata It also has another name of Ampelopsin, & it generally grow in the South of China.

 Mostly dihydromyricetin use in the tea to treat pyretic fever & cough, Relief to the pain of pharynx & larynx, & Jaundice treatment. But today we will explain our product dihydromyricetin those benefits which you are not aware of. Let’s look at the five benefits of our product.

Hangover Prevention

Research shows that dihydromyricetin is the only efficient product that can prevent hangovers. It prevents hangovers in these mentioned ways.

  • Preventing the Acetaldehyde build-up
  • Acetaldehyde forms because the body breaks down Alcohol. The exceedingly toxic compound is approximately 20 to 30 times more toxic than Alcohol itself. Indeed, many of the foremost common hangover signs (including headaches, nausea, and general sensitivity) are impute to Acetaldehyde.
  • The Dihydromyricetin supplement boosts the liver’s ability to interrupt down Acetaldehyde at a rapid rate. Once you awaken from an evening of heavy drinking, there’ll be less of it in your body. You’ll hence experience less severe hangover symptoms.
  • Help to reduce minor Alcohol withdraw
  • Long-term use of Alcohol has dreadful withdrawals once someone else plans to quit drinking. But minor alcohol withdrawal occurs when you sober up; plainly, you simply drink once for a long time.
  • Dihydromyricetin lower the results of minor alcohol withdrawal. It affects the brain’s GABA receptors to give back to your baseline soon. This put a stop to classic hangover signs, including anxiety, mental fogginess, and sleep deprivation.

Aging & Health Concerns

Dihydromyricetin has antioxidant & inflammatory properties, which helps to regulate metabolism by boosting Irisin levels, improving insulin sensitivity.

Evidence types:

  1. Two clinical trials (diabetes type 2 n=77; NAFLD n=60)
  2. One biomarker study (relationship b/w DHM intake and irisin levels in the blood)
  3. Various laboratory studies.

Protect the liver

  • DHM can reduce EtOH intoxication & protects from chemical persuaded injuries.
  • Furthermore, DHM lowers the utterance of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines in sera and cell models.

Anti- Cancer Properties

  • DHM has anti-cancer properties. 
  • The anticancer activity appears to be associated with the modulation of ROS generation and mitochondria-dependent apoptosis.
  • Its relatively self-effacing effects in preclinical models suggest that it is unlikely to possess a utility as a monotherapy. Still, it will be beneficial as a complement to other chemotherapeutic agents.
  • Some studies have shown that its use with certain chemotherapeutics may promote synergism or reduce toxicity in healthy tissue.
  • For instance, DHM has synergistic anti-tumour activity when used with irinotecan in mouse models of carcinoma but did not potentiate the anti-tumour activity of the chemotherapeutic gemcitabine.

DHM is also protective against cardiotoxicity without reducing anti-tumour activity when utilized in combination with the chemotherapeutic adriamycin

Preventing Anxiety & Depression

  • DHM has anxiolytic properties, which helps to deal with anxiety & depression. Other than this, DHM has Anti-inflammatory, anticancer cell death-mediating and glucose metabolism regulatory properties.

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What are good for hangovers

Various strategies help in hangover symptoms like getting good sleep, staying hydrated, take certain supplements etc. But the use of Dihydromyricetin is prove very beneficial to prevent hangover symptoms. It not only prevent hangovers but also promotes good health.


It’s also known as Ampelopsin DHM. It’s an influential ingredient in the supplement also having Flavanonol tonic, which is found in megalophylla, japonica, grossedentata, hovenia, & in various species. 

All these species are very beneficial for health, and some of them are even use to treat fever, parasitic infection, & also use to treat the diseases of the liver.

Why is dihydromyricetin use for a hangover?

Various supplements & medicines are there to prevent the hangover. But, using dihydromyricetin is beneficial in many ways.  This specific ingredient promotes good health with the minimum adverse or side effects. It contains various beneficial properties, which is essential to human health. 


  • Antioxidative
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti- Cancer, Antimicrobial
  • Cell death mediating
  • Lipid & Glucose Metabolism regulatory 

How It Works

Usage of Alcohol works as a physiological depressant. It slows down your brain very badly; it also changes the way your nerves send messages back to your brain. So to recover from such a situation, DHM opposes acute intoxication of alcohol and helps to reduce alcohol symptoms. DHM also reduces anxiety & seizures and, normalize the blood sugar levels & reduce liver damage & even help to prevent tumour growth.


  • Various studies have come to the result that the use of DHM protects the liver. Hase et al., in 1977, performed one of the primary studies here; they use an extract of H. Dulci’s fruits to scrutinize the results on ethanol (EtOH) intoxication.
  • They imitate alcohol toxicity by imposing liver damage on rats while quantifying liver serum levels (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT). 
  • The latter two are metabolites that are often use as a measurement when judging liver damage. AST and ALT levels both rise when vast quantities of alcohol are consume. 
  • Hase et al. show that ALT and AST levels increase when the rats were uncovere to certain chemicals that cause liver damage. Altough, when these rats were feed with H. Dulcis, ALT and AST levels were significantly lower differentiate from the comparable AST and ALT levels in liver-injured rats not fed with the H. Dulcis extract.

Liver detoxification

This herbal compound DHM found in the Japanese raisin tree is well known to support liver detoxification. It is a very immediate & decisive cure against hangovers produced by using too much alcohol, aspirin, greasy eggs, etc.

Dosage to take For hangover

The recommended dosage of dihydromyricetin or hovenia to cure hangovers is 100-600mg. The whole flavonoids filter from Hovenia is 4.53% of the extract, of which DHM report for ∼40%, recommends a 1–15 mg/kg dose for behavioural assays.

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