Plant extract

What plant extract can be used as food preservative?

Yes, plant extract can be use as food preservative & these extracts are consider of as organic antibacterial agents. Numerous studies have found that plant extracts are antibacterial and effective against both foodborne pathogenic microbes and food deterioration. The antibacterial qualities of plant extracts have been evaluate using a variety of techniques.

The demand for natural ingredients and food preservatives has increase as a result of safety and toxicological concerns over synthetic preservatives and consumer awareness.

Here are Best 5 plant extract which can used as food preservative


Due to its excellent anti-oxidant and anti-microbial activity, rosemary is known food preservative. These characteristics enable rosemary to inhibit bacteria development while reducing food oxidation and spoiling. Diterpenes, polyphenols,

And flavonoids are just a few of the different types of compounds found in rosemary.

Depending on how they were extract, these components can vary between extracts. Two of the most prevalent phytochemicals in rosemary are the diterpenes carnosol and carnosic acid, which together make for up to 90% of the herb’s antioxidant capacity. Additionally,

A number of in vivo studies have demonstrated that rosemary treatment improves GI health by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation in the GI tract.

Is it a safe extract

The European Union allowed the use of rosemary extract in a variety of forms for food preservation after the European Food Safety Authority conducted a study on these polyphenols in 2008. It continues to be recognize by the FDA as a permit food ingredient.

The European Union allowed the use of rosemary extract in a variety of forms for food preservation after the European Food Safety Authority conducted a study on these polyphenols in 2008. It continues to be recognize by the FDA as a permit food ingredient.


Allium sativum, a member of the Liliaceae family, contains an alcoholic extract that may have anti-cancer properties. Garlic is use as an antihelmintic, rubefacient, anti-infective, and antihypertensive for a long time and is often regard as a healthy herb.

Researchers have found that the antibacterial and antifungal properties of garlic extracts .

Garlic’s antibacterial action is thought to be significantly influence by thiosulfinates, particularly allicin

According to the results of one trial, garlic can be use as a reliable meat preserver to stop meat from spoiling because of bacterial growth.

When chicken legs contaminate with Salmonella and E. coli were held at 4°C for up to 15 days, garlic continue to kill the bacteria.


Pomegranate extract may help fight atherosclerosis, the building of plaque in the arteries that can result in heart attacks and strokes,

As well as oxidative stress and inflammation in the arteries, according to research conducted in test tubes.

This fruit extract has a high concentration of ellagic acid, a dilactone that is an effective inhibitor of the mutagenicity of a variety of carcinogens and protects against chromosome damage. In addition to its ability to reduce inflammation, ellagic acid have a strong antioxidant.

Pomegranate peel extracts promote the durability of food throughout processing,

Storage, or gastrointestinal digestion by preventing oxidation and the development of harmful microbes.


Green tea extract has been shown in numerous trials to support weight loss, blood sugar control, disease prevention, and workout recovery. Additionally, it can lower blood fat levels, control blood pressure, promote brain function, and keep your skin and liver healthy. You can take it as a capsule, a liquid, or in a powder form.

The shelf life of low sulfite raw beef patties is propose to be extend

By adding green tea (GTE) and grape seed (GSE) extracts as preservatives. Both extracts’ antioxidant and antibacterial properties were compare to ascorbate.


A herb, clove is. The dried flower buds, leaves, and stems are use in combination with the oils to create medication. As an expectorant and for gastrointestinal discomfort, clove is utilise. Phlegm coughing up is simpler by expectorants. For hernia, diarrhoea, and bad breath, clove oil is use. One of the most expensive spices, clove (Syzygium aromaticum), has been use for ages as a food preservative and for a variety of therapeutic uses.

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